

Why Unlearn?

In a tapestry woven with threads of objectivity and relativity, the quest for truth emerges as a profound journey, demanding not only perseverance but also a profound acceptance of the limitations of individual understanding. Within the complex interplay of perspectives where distinctions between right and wrong, truth and falsehood, blur into subjective hues, the pursuit of truth becomes akin to navigating through a dense fog, where clarity eludes even the most earnest seekers.

At the heart of this labyrinth lies the enigma of truth itself—an elusive essence that transcends the boundaries of personal intellect and subjective biases. It is a truth that exists independently of individual perceptions, a universal reality that remains immutable amidst the ever-shifting landscapes of human understanding. Yet, in a world where patience has become a scarce virtue and comprehension is often obscured by the veils of preconceived notions, the path to truth is fraught with obstacles.

Contrary to popular belief, ignorance does not signify a deficiency, but rather serves as a fertile ground for the cultivation of knowledge. It is through the humble acknowledgment of one’s own limitations that true wisdom begins to unfold. In embracing ignorance as a gateway to boundless possibilities, individuals embark on a transformative journey—one that leads beyond the confines of personal biases and towards a deeper understanding of the world.

Drawing upon the insights of ancient wisdom, we are reminded of the ephemeral nature of the constructs that define our reality. Time, space, and objectivity, once perceived as immutable truths, are revealed to be mere illusions—shadows cast upon the canvas of existence. Yet, overcoming these illusions requires more than mere intellectual prowess; it demands a profound shift in perception, a willingness to surrender the ego and embrace the unknown with humility.

Consider, for instance, the simple act of drawing shapes with a white chalk upon a blackboard—a seemingly innocuous exercise that belies a deeper truth. What appears as distinct forms are but fleeting impressions, superimposed upon the underlying essence of existence (chalk itself). In much the same way, the world we inhabit is a tapestry woven with threads of relativity, obscuring the truth beneath layers of subjective interpretation.

The journey towards truth, therefore, begins with the recognition of our own ignorance—an admission that opens the door to boundless possibilities. By relinquishing the illusion of certainty and embracing the unknown with open arms, we free ourselves from the shackles of personal bias and embark upon a quest for truth in its purest form.

In essence, the world we perceive is a reflection of our own understanding—a mirror that distorts the truth with the reflections of subjective interpretation. Only by peeling back the layers of illusion and embracing the unknown can we hope to glimpse the pure essence of existence—the ultimate truth that lies beyond the confines of human comprehension.

Discrimination – A Paradox

In today’s lexicon, few words carry as much weight and nuance as “discrimination.” Its usage spans across various contexts, from societal inequalities to philosophical musings. Yet, paradoxically, it might be one of the most discriminated words in the English language, burdened by misconceptions and oversimplifications.

Defined succinctly by dictionaries, discrimination is the act of recognizing a distinction between two or more things, often based on prejudice or bias. It’s the differential treatment of individuals or groups, particularly regarding race, gender, age, or socio-economic status.

However, delving deeper, one unravels a multifaceted concept. Synonyms like differentiation, distinction, or discernment add layers to its meaning, emphasizing the intricate process of perceiving differences and making judgments.

In philosophical discourse, discrimination transcends mere bias. It intertwines with prudence, intellect, and discernment. As a philosophical concept, it serves as a cornerstone for understanding reality more deeply. It’s not just about recognizing differences but grasping the essence amidst diversity.

Moreover, in the pursuit of enlightenment, discrimination takes on a profound significance. It becomes the first step towards enlightenment, guiding individuals towards a state of wisdom. It involves discerning between essence and non-essence, duty and non-duty, and classifying things according to their intrinsic properties.

In essence, discrimination emerges as a complex phenomenon, far beyond its colloquial usage. It embodies the human capacity for understanding and navigating the intricacies of existence. Rather than being a mere buzzword, it invites contemplation and reflection on the nature of perception, judgment, and wisdom.

Equality or Equity?

Equality and equity are related concepts often discussed in the context of social justice, fairness, and distribution of resources. While they both aim to address disparities and promote fairness, they differ in their approach and the outcomes they seek to achieve. Let’s explore each concept in detail along with examples to illustrate their differences:


Equality refers to the state of being equal, especially in status, rights, and opportunities. It emphasizes the idea that everyone should be treated the same regardless of their circumstances, background, or individual needs.

Examples of equality:

Equal rights: In a society that values equality, all individuals have the same legal rights regardless of their gender, race, religion, or sexual orientation. For instance, laws prohibiting discrimination based on race or gender aim to ensure equal treatment under the law.

Equal opportunities: Equality advocates for providing everyone with the same opportunities to succeed, such as access to education, employment, and healthcare. For example, public schools that admit students based solely on merit without considering their socioeconomic background are promoting equality.

Equal treatment: Treating all individuals with fairness and impartiality is a fundamental aspect of equality. For instance, a workplace policy that prohibits discrimination in hiring, promotion, or pay based on factors like age or disability promotes equality by ensuring that all employees are treated fairly.

Equity focuses on fairness and justice by recognizing and addressing the unequal starting points and needs of individuals. It acknowledges that people have different circumstances and may require different levels of support to achieve the same outcomes.

Examples of equity:
Resource allocation: In an equitable system, resources are distributed based on need rather than equally. For example, in education, schools in disadvantaged areas may receive additional funding or resources to address the challenges faced by students from marginalized communities, such as providing free meals or extra tutoring services.
Accommodations: Equity involves providing accommodations or adjustments to level the playing field for individuals with diverse needs. For instance, providing assistive technologies or wheelchair ramps for people with disabilities ensures they have equal access to facilities and opportunities.
Affirmative action: Equity measures may involve policies aimed at correcting historical injustices or systemic inequalities. Affirmative action programs, for example, seek to increase the representation of underrepresented groups in areas such as education and employment by providing preferential treatment or opportunities to those groups.

Key Differences:

Focus: Equality emphasizes sameness and uniform treatment, while equity focuses on fairness and justice by acknowledging and addressing differences in needs and circumstances.
Approach: Equality seeks to ensure equal treatment and opportunities for everyone, while equity aims to achieve fairness by providing resources and support proportional to individual needs.
Outcomes: Equality may result in unequal outcomes if individuals start from different positions, while equity strives for more equitable outcomes by addressing disparities and barriers to opportunity.
In summary, while equality and equity both aim to promote fairness and justice, they differ in their approaches and the outcomes they seek to achieve. Equality focuses on treating everyone the same, while equity emphasizes addressing disparities and providing support based on individual needs to ensure fairness.

Word – a Symbiosis of Sound and Meaning

In the realm of language, words reign supreme as both simple building blocks and intricate tapestries of thought. They possess the power to elucidate and confound, to connect and divide. Yet, within this intricate dance of sound and meaning lies a profound symbiosis that transcends mere linguistic constructs. Let us embark on a journey into the enigmatic world of words, exploring their multifaceted nature and the profound impact they wield upon our perception and understanding.

At first glance, words may appear deceptively simple, mere vessels for conveying meaning. However, upon closer inspection, they reveal layers of complexity that challenge the very essence of comprehension. Words straddle the line between clarity and ambiguity, inviting interpretation and introspection.

Words, despite their intended meanings, are often subject to misinterpretation. This ambiguity stems from the inherent fluidity of language and the diverse lenses through which individuals perceive the world. The meaning of a word is not inherent but rather constructed within the mind of the interpreter, leading to a myriad of potential interpretations.

While dictionaries may provide definitions for words, they fall short in capturing the essence of the human experience associated with each word. Words are not static entities but dynamic expressions of human thought and emotion. Thus, their true significance transcends mere definitions.

The sound of a word serves as a gateway to experience, evoking sensations and emotions within the mind. Each word carries with it a unique resonance that reverberates through our consciousness, shaping our perception of reality.

Context is paramount in determining the meaning of words. Without the proper context, words become burdensome, lacking the depth and nuance required for meaningful communication. Our experience of words is intricately intertwined with the subject, object, and relativity of the world around us.

Words themselves are not inherently dual; it is our interpretation that imbues them with dichotomy. Our experiences dictate how we perceive and categorize the world, often leading to the creation of false binaries and divisions.

When we hear a word, it triggers a cascade of associations and memories within our minds. These past experiences shape our understanding of the word, imbuing it with layers of meaning and significance.

Language, while essential for communication, is also a source of misunderstanding and confusion. Words, in their attempt to convey meaning, often dilute the richness of human experience, reducing it to mere linguistic constructs.

Sentences serve as intricate tapestries woven from individual words. The order and arrangement of words determine the objectivity and experience of each sentence, blurring the lines between truth and falsehood. In this way, sentences become not just conveyors of information but vessels for the complexities of human thought and emotion.

In conclusion, words stand as both the foundation and pinnacle of human communication. They possess the power to shape our understanding of the world and evoke profound emotions within us. Yet, their true essence lies beyond the confines of language, residing within the intricate interplay of sound and meaning within the human mind.


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