Making of Mahatma

Making of Mahatma

You could never do wrong, if you sit in a dark room, ALONE! But that is escapism, isn’t it? In a day-to-day life of a person, it is indeed hard not to do ‘any’ wrong. But of course, there are many, who tried not to, and there are few, who succeeded, and there are handsome, who almost did, and there is one, who mastered. I am talking about a Mahaan Atma, we fondly call, Mahatma Gandhi. We can read thousands…

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In medicine, the term syndrome is the association of several clinically recognizable features, signs, symptoms, phenomena or characteristics which often occur together, so that the presence of one feature alerts the physician to the presence of the others. In recent decades the term has been used outside of medicine to refer to a combination of phenomena seen in association. (courtesy: Wikepedia) Wait a second, this is not about definitions! is’t it? Lets get down to business.. Living in US for…

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I remember those days, when we know to do only one thing, ‘freak out’. It was my Degree admission time and the air was filled with a unique fragrance across my college, I wondered what could be it? It was filled with fresh paper scent, coming out of those thousands of application forms, a bunch with each one of”em. Coming out of my +2 (we call Intermediate in Andhra Pradesh, India), my family wasn’t too happy about the fact that…

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1996, December the 7th. Place: On the dias of SriKrishnadevaraya Andhara Bhashaa Nilayam What is 2 power 103? The answer was 32 digits long, and he took no time to answer. If you number the alphabet ‘Ka’ to ‘Ksha’ (telugu alphabet) serially like 1, 2, 3 etc., what is the product of ‘Sa’, ‘Re’, ‘Ga’, ‘Ma’, ‘Pa’, ‘Da’, ‘Ni’? The answer came in a zip….80 Crores, 5 lakhs and 6 thousand. Poeple might take hours to solve these puzzles with…

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